About me
Ashes to beauty.
If there is one saying in the Bible that describes my story, this is it.
Hi, I'm Sibylle.
I was wondering how to introduce myself.
To be honest, I'm so tired of categories, so tired of all of us
want a quick and dirty overview of another person.
Well, if you just want the marginal data, then go for it:
I am 50 years old, mother of a great 12 year old son who is fascinated by the spiritual world and has given his life to Jesus. Perhaps my greatest success on this earth.
I have been married to Armin for 15 years, a teacher, a scientist and an extremely kind character. He complements me in every respect in his pragmatism, his clarity and his strength, which he never has to exercise in a dominant way. Armin is a friendly person without being overly "soft".
Together we sail through the adventure of marriage, with wind in our sails, calms, storms... but always with the knowledge that we are in the same boat and also with the decision not to let the other person fall overboard.
My hobbies are: No, joking aside.
I am highly sensitive. I always perceive the world more intensely than others, experiencing highs and lows with fire, longing, joy. When I think and ponder about deep stuff, it’s in higher contexts. If I spend too much time around others, I tend to be overstimulated and need silence.
It is Jesus who then energetically invites me to go for a walk with him. And I love these walks in which he sorts, makes me grow and floods me with his presence. Nothing is better than the calm cheerfulness, the approach and the subtle humor of Jesus, nothing is more healing than the knowledge that he is the goal, the fixed star and the overarching truth in everything.
I have been walking with Jesus for over 40 years.
To be honest, I don't see the Christian journey as a highway, but more like a hike through the Highlands of Scotland. With all the ups and downs, aberrations, mosquitoes, wonderful views and deep valleys, adventures and little treasures along the way in indescribable splendor and beauty. Of course I swear on steep rock faces - but so far I've climbed every one with his help.
That brings us to my interests:
I love countries like Scotland, Wales, Ireland- or New Zealand, which I was able to explore and take to heart through a leadership school with David Pierce.
Somewhere between deep Bible study- always in search of the great epic story of God, for more, and more, and more of him-and a mystical feeling for God I am at home. I read and love music. My life has a soundtrack- both secular and spiritual. Writing is my passion and at the same time my reflection time with God. In English there is the term "Co-Creating with God". Yep, that's pretty good.
My main topic is our mission on earth to bring Eden into the world. In our relationships. In our basic attitude. In our hearts. Faith is practical for me - and if I only see lip service but no action - then I turn around in exasperation and leave. No: We have to do what he says. And then you can experience his blessing.
I experience God as restoring. My story is not an easy one, and you will sometimes gulp, sympathize, and maybe even want to help as you read between the lines of my story. But thanks to Jesus, what I am publishing here has already been experienced, healed and actually reconciled within me. I don't write for myself, but for you.
I am currently writing my first book, I work part-time with children at primary school as a teaching assistant and am enrolled in psychological counselor training. My goal is to connect people to the reality of restoration, to lead them away from legalism, spiritual entanglement and harmful manipulation and into the freedom Christ has promised us. Joy doesn't work in fear and with a stick up your ass.
Hey, God is real and he REALLY sets you free! I am living proof that it is so.
Please read about what Zion's Daughter is pursuing and what the vision is under the relevant point.
I am Sibylle. Addicted to coffee, loyal in friendship, devoted to Jesus, intercessory, alive and deeply giving. And sometimes...a little too direct, too exuberant in my joy and in my (often righteous) anger - but saved, reconciled and alive.
And I don't want to be anyone other than who Jesus created.