Ashes to beauty
We are passionate about working with women, for women and for safe shelters where hearts can be shared. But what is the goal? Read more...
There are many Christian ministries for women.
But women often feel that they are not heard, seen or taken seriously: "I don't fit in there with my messed up story, it's for the sheltered, successful, healthy and established. I am different..."
Different - that usually means:
The consequences are obvious:
Those women who have already experienced abuse, violence, devaluation and humiliation, whose family history was not neat, pure and clean, are left alone with their pain and questions.
No, I cannot offer the flawless Christian waistcoat and biography either. And my family? Yes, there was all that: alcoholism, illness, unbelieving siblings, abuse, social decline.
For a long time, my heart was full of scars, full of fear, full of shame, my family name as if burnt. For me, Christian community claims and teachings told me, there was no place in high holy Christianity, in the community of (pretend) saints.
I fell through the cracks, again. Didn't belong, again. Wasn't obviously not enough for Jesus and it broke my heart.
What finally set me free from shame, fear and pain was coming to terms with my story, finding the message of being seen, of forgiveness and mercy. As I began to understand God's view of my life, I saw not only preservation, but also the higher story of grace and redemption written on my heart.
What finally brought healing was the knowledge that many other women had experienced what I had, and that I was not alone in my story, my doubts and my inner struggle. Jesus was there - and there were women who shared my story.
Zion's Daughter is a project for those women whose lives have taught them that they are worth nothing, that they are alone - and that they must hide, conceal themselves if they want to be accepted.
Wounds hurt. Trauma destroys this femininity and many women have lost their bearings.
Perhaps you too have lost your voice?
God says: You are my daughter. What was is burned. And what will be gives you dignity. Self-worth. Belonging and identity.
You are not alone. Jesus is there - and we sisters who are "different" are many.
Below you will find our services and projects.
I'm ashamed of what happened to me, of my story- and feel like I'm inferior to the pious Christian world.
When women tell what really happened, when women open their hearts, the shock is not far away:
Abuse, neglect, humiliation. Degradation to a sexual object, denial of any value. Loneliness and lack of support.
And the cry to be seen, loved and accepted often goes unheard.
Daughter of Zion is a women's project with a message of hope:
"God sees you. And your pain counts. Your heart matters and you are allowed to heal and be now. You are welcome.
Projects specifically for women
Blog articles, seminars, and fellowship are Daughter of Zion's three pillars.
Blog category: Articles specifically for women
My articles are not just for women. I am convinced that the heart relationship with Jesus is a completely gender-neutral thing, and yet:
We women are often left alone with certain issues of healing, identity, and being seen.
That's why you'll find articles on my blog written specifically from woman to woman.
I share a lot about my tumultuous, sometimes painful, sometimes beguilingly beautiful journey with Jesus. These articles are not primarily meant to teach, but to bless you and invite you to dive into - and reflect on - your own intimacy with Jesus.
this section is currently being revised for you. We sincerely ask for a little patience.
Daughter of Zion Online Community
"Zionstochter.Neues Herz.Neuer Geist.Neues Leben":
This is the online community group on Facebook that is linked to the Daughter of Zion website and Facebook page.
This group gathers those who follow the articles, attend the seminars, and just want to be - without the constant Christian pressure to perform.
After one year, we now have over 70 members and maintain a prayer wall where prayer requests can be posted, which have always been answered.
Assault, misogyny, and other forms of discrimination are immediately and unhesitatingly rewarded with exclusion; we offer respect, appreciation, and an online community of trust, personal sharing, and mutual support.
The fellowship group is primarily made up of women, but we allow our Christian men to join as well. As long as they treat the women as equals, are respectful, and simply enjoy the fellowship.
Since many personal struggles and sicknesses are mentioned in the prayer requests within the group, we meet on Zoom from time to time to bring these requests before the Lord in unity. We pray with conviction and love, knowing that He hears. And that He is good.
"Finally, normal, authentic people! A place to simply be."
The best feedback I have received about this group.
(By clicking on the link, you agree to the data connection with Facebook. If you don't want this, don't click).
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